Public garage Jelkovec 2

Public garage Jelkovec 2

Adresa: Ulica Ladislava Šabana 10
Kapacitet: 237 mjesta
Najveća ukupna visina vozila: 2,2 m
Public garage Jelkovec 2
Monthly 00:00 - 24.00 5,30 Eur / 39,93 kn

1 EUR=7,53450 HRK

In order to enable unobstructed operation of public garage Jelkovec 2, Zagrebparking Subsidiary introduced application forms for purchase of prepaid cards. Users of monthly prepaid cards who purchase such prepaid card for the first time or whose prepaid card for the previous period has been expired for more than 7 days, are required to submit an application for purchase of a prepaid card. The application is filled out and submitted to the employees at the garage.
Service users who possess a purchased parking permit for the previous period will not be required to resubmit the application and they will have the right to prolong the validity of their prepaid permit if no more than 7 days have passed since expiry of the validity of the permit for the previous period. Applications submitted by new users that cannot be granted due to full capacity will be put on the waiting list and such users will be notified when the purchase of a prepaid card becomes possible.