Public garage Kvaternikov trg

Public garage Kvaternikov trg

Adresa: Trg E. Kvaternika 6
Kapacitet: 354 mjesta
Najveća ukupna visina vozila: 2,1 m
Public garage Kvaternikov trg
Hourly - day-time 08:00 - 18:00 1,10 EUR / h
Horuly - night-time 18:00 - 08:00 0,50 EUR / h
24 hour* 24 hours 6,60 EUR
Weekly* 24 hours x 7 days 19,90 EUR
Monthly - day-time* 06:00 - 21:00 40,00 EUR
Monthly - night-time* 17:00 - 09:00
and weekends from 00:00 do 24:00
13,30 EUR
Monthly* 00 - 24:00 100,00 EUR
Monthly Unique parking permit of wider city center (Gorica, Kvaternikov trg) 00:00 - 24:00 100,00 EUR


* User who has entered the garage using a vehicle, wishing to purchase a daily (24-hour) parking permit, weekly parking permit or monthly parking permit, must make the desired purchase within 10 minutes from the moment of entering the public garage and must present to the garage employee the ticket for hourly parking obtained at the entrance.

Monthly parking permit

As of 10 February 2020, a new application form for the purchase of prepaid parking permits applies. Customers who have already submitted the application (filled out the old form) and who are on the waiting list, will need to fill out the new form and they will be able to purchase the prepaid parking permit immediately.
Customers who have already purchased a prepaid parking permit and wish to prolong it, will have to fill out the new application form once such permit expires.

Note for users of prepaid parking permits
By selling prepaid parking permits, Zagreb Holding Ltd., Zagrebparking Subsidiary DOES NOT GUARANTEE availability of parking spaces at any moment, as this depends on the availability of parking capacities.